This is a curated website founded by the National Museum of Taiwan History. "Taiwan" is its theme, and we invite the public to become its curators. Aided by the perspectives of curators, as well as discourse and sharing, the site is designed to collect observations, feelings and experiences related to Taiwan's society, culture, customs and daily life. This includes areas of difference between communities. The objective is to help people reflect on Taiwan, gain new insights, and by working together create a deeper appreciation and understanding of this land.

A digital open source, curated by all
The website’s curated materials are sourced from open data of Taiwan Cultural Memory Bank and collections from National Museum of Taiwan History. We look forward to using open data with Taiwanese elements, and convenient curatorial tools, to make the information accessible to all. Join with us in our curation efforts and participate in the compilation and sharing of Taiwan's memories and culture.
Five major themes, and customized topics
The website has five major themes that are open to curation and contributions by all: 1) space experiences, 2) past and present industries, 3) personal life (character stories), 4) daily life and 5) local culture and customs. The public is invited to consider aspects of Taiwan about which they have knowledge, stories and experiences. They can participate in the planning and development of themes, as well as discuss and share information with others about Taiwan. An area for "Custom Themes" has also been established. Within this area, the public can freely make proposals and record their unknown stories of Taiwan.

Taiwan’s cultural DNA, an emotional curation
Quite different from the rational information conveyed by many museum exhibits, this website welcomes writing that contains emotion, describing families, ethnic groups, regions and memories of life in Taiwan. Stories of daily life, personal feelings and unique experiences are all welcome elements that together will build and strengthen the site. We look forward to expanding the base of memories and perceptions. As more individual stories are added from different perspectives, and connected together, an expanding mosaic will emerge. This comprehensive picture will provide for a more complete and deeper understanding of Taiwan’s cultural DNA, including impressions and memories of past times.
If you could take a ride in a time machine, to where and when would you like to travel in Taiwan? What type of themed trip would you like to take?
Traveling through all types of “yesterdays” allows people to better understand where they are today. We welcome everyone to join the Space-Time Travel Agency, and to plan an exhibition that belongs to you and Taiwan!